Monday, July 20, 2009

This time last year:

This is what I was doing:

I was in France with my parents. We stayed in Marseille, but found out that the Tour de France was coming through a small town not too far away. Or at least we thought it wasn't far. I researched on the internet and Dad and I took off early one morning to catch the Tour. After an hour train ride we started looking for signs and buses to take us to our destination of St.Remy. No signs and no buses. We finally found someone that had heard of the town and pointed us in the right direction and said we could walk. So we started walking. After about 2 hours of walking along side the road of rural France, we saw a sign that said 17km. We were determined to make it but could not make it 17 more km. So Dad put his thumb up and we hitch-hiked. I have never hitch-hiked before and I probably won't ever again, but it was worth it. We made it to town with about 30 minutes to spare. After hours of traveling in the hot sun, the cyclists came thru town in about 30 seconds and it was over. Well worth it though! Definitely a once in a lifetime experience! To treat our hard work, we had a late lunch at this amazing little restaurant:

And if you're ever in the South of France, find St.Remy. It's a beautiful little boutique city with great hotels, shops, artwork and countryside! I wish I was there now!

-sorry the pics are small, I need my graphic designer sister here to help me when I blog


Becky said...

I'm thinking that had to be funny...walking along the side of the road thinking you're going to reach this town...and then realizing that you were still so far away! Once in a lifetime experiences are so awesome!

LWJ said...

Justin was impressed and jealous. He always watches it on TV defintely once in a lifetime!