Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sewing 101

Last night best friend Kelly and I took our first sewing class. We signed up a few weeks ago at our local JoAnn's and weren't sure what to expect. But it was great!! We both brought our mom's sewing machines that were a little dusty and still in the boxes(no fancy carrying cases for us). Our mom's probably bought the machines on Walmart special a few ago compared to some other class participants with mac-daddy machines. But our stitches were just as crooked as theirs. Don't be looking for any masterpieces in the near future, but they will come people, they will come.


Becky said...

Yay for sewing...I can do a little and probably should take a class...my mama sews really well and teaches me when she can!

LWJ said...

well you all have me beat I have no idea how to sew. I probably should learn something. It would probably save money in some way if I could make curtains or something. Mary if you learn how to do that you can teach me or I can just pay you for some. I still don't have any for Kylin's room. I never found any I liked. You will have to show off what you make in your classes!

Kelly said...

Yay for crooked stitches! Mur-I started making a pillow last night (because that's what everone is getting for Christmas!), but I quit because I can't even cut in a straight line. It's quite disturbing...