Thursday, October 28, 2010

Playing dress-up

This month at Bunco we had 80s night. And even though we're a bunch of 30ish year old women, we went all out and had so much fun! I will never be too old to dress up! I love these girls and can't wait for Bunco each month so we can get together, eat, laugh and have way too much fun!
And yes, I'm proud to say that I won the "best 80's outfit" prize for my totally rad, Color Me Bad/Claire Huxtable, color block jumpsuit.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Only my sister...

Tonight I get a phone call from my sister, aka  Aunt Ray Ray. And it went something like this:

RayRay: Murry, have you ever read More magazine?
Me: No, never heard of it. What is it?
RayRay: Its really good. It's a mag for women 40 and up.
Me: Ummm...awesome. You must have been really bored.
RayRay: No, really. Its good!! I feel wiser now. You should read it. I've been looking for that perfect women's magazine that does it for me, and this is it.
Me: (laughing)ok, Rach, I'll check it out. (maybe) I do want to be wise and cool like you.
RayRay: I'm cool because I wore a side pony to work today.

Only Rachel. But we love her. And she is cool. She also got a call from a major women's clothing store today and was asked to represent the Atlanta market by inviting 50 women to a private party/clothing line release in December. So watch your mailboxes, you might get an invite. And on top of that she takes pictures of my baby with a fancy-schmancy camera. This was at 6 months and little stinker wouldn't smile for anything that day.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Safety Measures

Ruby Jaq has new skillz. Pulling up. I found her Friday standing up in her crib. Scared me to death. And now she'll pull up on anything she can get her cute little hands on. Which also means that she's begun to hit her head. I try to catch her, but I'm not always fast enough. So in order to prevent minor scrapes and bumps on the head, she will now be wearing this at all times.
Hoot! Hoot!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I draw the line

I am probably one of the biggest breast feeding advocates you'll meet. Besides loving your baby unconditionally, I think its one of the best things you can do for your baby. Not only is it the most natural thing ever, breast feeding offers ongoing benefits to baby and mom long after weaning. The protection and benefits that I have the opportunity to provide my baby with make breastfeeding a no brainer decision for me. I could go on and on, but I'll spare you unless you ask me, then I'll go on and on just for you. However, today I was perusing the web while Ruby J sleeps and I found this write-up (mom, click on the underlined link). Really? Are people crazy? Don't worry, if you come for dinner, you won't find my DNA in the latest fall desserts I've whipped up.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick Update

I've somehow let almost another month go by without a blog update. But that definitely doesn't mean that we're not having lots of fun in the Mobb's family. The last few months have been full of changes for us. After quitting my full time job at the hospital, I took on a job I never thought I'd have. I'm a clinical instructor for the first year nursing students at North Georgia College and State University. I doubt any of my former nursing school professors read the blog but if they do they're probably laughing out loud and saying prayers for the former nurses of America. Despite making decent grades, my friends(you know who you are!) and I were not stellar students. We usually sat in the back of the class after being late to class and then disrupted class. I still have my notebooks from nursing school that are full of doodles and passed notes that prove that we had too much fun in class. But with all that said, we enjoyed ourselves, made it through and now love being nurses. I work Wednesdays and Fridays and so far have only been in the lab teaching things like bed baths. Next week I take my groups to the hospital for their first official days as student nurses. Yay! Its going to be a learning experience for me too because I'm going back to the adult world after bring in pediatrics for the last 6 years.  I'm excited and nervous and I'm sure there will be funny stories to share later on. I'm also in the middle of orientation for a PRN position as a Nurse Practitioner with CVS Minute Clinic. I'll mainly work at CVS on weekends when Korey is home, but I'm excited about it to.

Korey also started his new football season with the Lanier High School Longhorns. This is the first year for Lanier to be open so Korey has put in lots and lots of hours to help start up a new football program. He also transitioned from history teacher/defensive ends coach to PE teacher/department head/assistant head coach. Ruby and I try to make every game and she loves it! She really likes all the people and attention more than the football but she still loves supporting her daddy!

In the middle of all the job changes we put our house on the market, sold it in 9 days and moved. We had been talking about selling our house for a long time because we weren't in a great neighborhood and this summer we finally decided to put it on the market and see what happened. It sold!! We have temporarily moved in with my parents until we can find a place to go. Its crazy with all of us in one house but also a huge help to have my parents around to help with Ruby during football season. Its also special that my parents can see all the little milestones that Ruby conquers each day and special for Ruby to get to spend so much time with them. Its also nice that we can take our time finding the perfect house for our little family.

 And last, our little baby is getting so big! She's 8 months old tomorrow and doing so much more every day. I just uploaded the picture above and couldn't help sharing it. Ruby loves her cousins!