-Find a soft cooler bag that will fit in the bottom of the stroller.
-Make you and I a turkey(or whatever you want) sandwich.
-Make Ruby a PBJ-like half the PB and J that you put on last time.
-Put some chips in a zip lock for you and me
-Cookies in a bag for you, me and MJ
-2 cokes for you and me
-Plenty of goldfish in her little cup
-A fruit cup
-Any other snacks that we have that she likes
-And a cup that won’t leak with milk in it-the thermos is probably best
-No straws, no glass-Zoo rules!
-Also can you take the tray off the stroller? I think she’ll ride better if she can see. Or we can take the umbrella, except that the cooler won’t fit. But there may be lockers. Whatever you think.
-Also-we can probably consolidate her diaper bag into her little owl back pack. Diapers, wipes, pacis, boogie wipes. Either pink hat or braves hat.
-Maybe a water cup. Change of clothes.
-And we’ll need the camera. Man, her stuff weighs more than her chucky bootie!
This is his reply which made me laugh at loud:
How bout instead of all of these instructions we eat a hot dog at the zoo. Ok great. See you in the morning!!
I will commend him and say that when I got up this morning after just 4 hours of sleep, I was expecting to fork over an hours worth of pay on hot dogs at the zoo. But to my surprise, the cooler was packed, the diaper bag was consolidated and and the stroller was ready. Yay! Go Daddy!
By the way-I think its weird that they serve hot dogs and hamburgers at the zoo anyway. Seems like a vegetarian menu would be more appropriate but no one asked me.
Ruby loved the petting zoo. Despite the fact that it was only goats and sheep, she would walk up to each one and say "mooooo". I'm pretty sure she would have stayed there all day. Zoe and Grammie joined us on our adventure. Sweet cousins-too bad they wouldn't look at me while playing with their goat brushes!
Because of spring break, it was REALLY crowded! So we enjoyed our perfectly packed lunches on the ground. I can't wait to go back on a school day!
I miss my Ko!
I am so impressed! That is a good dad/hubby!
Oh man, this cracked me up! We love our zoo, too, but haven't gone recently because of the crowds. We miss it!
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