Proud Grandmothers |
The day that I went into labor was a full day and even though I kind of felt like things were moving in the direction of labor, I wasn't sure. Ruby had her Easter egg hunt and party at school that morning and I felt fine. I had worked the night before until 1:30 am so I was tired but I actually felt much, much better than I did the day before. At work on Tuesday night, I was admitting a kid and a doctor sat down beside me. After a few minutes he said, "should I get out the stirrups because you're looking mighty uncomfortable". Gee thanks. But yes, I was uncomfortable. After Ruby's egg hunt we went to Costco and the grocery store. Then we came home, played outside, and while she napped I did the daily toy clean up, uploaded some pics and worked on the blog. Since I was supposed to work the next 2 nights which included Korey's birthday we had planned to go out to dinner to celebrate that night. We went to a late dinner and then came home to get Ruby ready for bed. This whole time I felt fine. Keep in mind that "fine" is all relative at 38 weeks pregnant. I was still huge, my back hurt, my feet hurt, and it took great amounts of energy to move at all, but that had been the norm for weeks! While I rocked Ruby I had a few contractions but didn't think much about it given my history with contractions that come and go. I started having regular contractions at 10:00pm which I let go on for an hour while I caught up on Smash on the ipad-why not?! Around 11:00 I finally realized that the contractions were pretty close together and were getting more and more painful. So we called the family and let them know we were headed to the hospital. While we waited for Korey's mom to get there we( yep, me too) did a mad clean up and packed our bags. We picked up my mom on the way and checked in around 1:00 am. On arrival I was 5-6 cm and contractions were about 1-3 minutes apart. Because I didn't want an epidural the nurses did the admission then kind of let us be. By 3:00, I was 8 cm and the nurses went to call the doctor to let her know. About 20 minutes later I was sitting in the rocking chair and had a really strong contraction, my water broke and I felt like I was about to have the baby in the chair. I told the nurses this baby was coming right now. The nurse literally threw me into the bed and of course told me not to push until the doctor got there. Yeah right!! At that point they were paging any doctor or midwife in the hospital to come to the room. Well, one more contraction and little Knox came into this world into the hands of a nurse with no doctor in sight. It was a little crazy, but I really wouldn't want any other way. The nurses were wonderful despite the chaos, it was fast, I got to go natural again and I think it's a great story to tell! However, because it was so crazy, we got few pictures right after he was born because no one was really ready. And my sister, my professional photographer, was in Birmingham still because it was the middle of the night and we had no idea how fast he would come. It's more than 2 weeks later now and we still don't have a family photo!
Aunt K-K |
Meeting her baby brother |
He's now 2 weeks old and the cheeks are filling in! He's getting up every 3-4 hours at night to nurse, but likes to snooze during the day so I have to wake him up! Other than that he really is easy! He'll sleep anywhere and eat anywhere, unlike his picky older sister when she was his age. I'm feeling really good and we haven't let having a newborn slow us down at all! We've already been to Chattanooga for Easter and we're at the lake house this weekend. Ruby is adjusting well and most of the time really loves her little brother. I love it when she'll say out of nowhere "my baby brother is so cute". I hope she continues to think that as he gets more alert and vocal!